Helping You Find Debt Relief

Bankruptcy lawyer in BronxNo matter the cause of your financial insolvency, you need to find relief. With our Bronx bankruptcy team, we help you determine whether you are eligible for a chapter 7 bankruptcy or if chapter 13 is a better fit for your situation. With chapter 7, you are able to wipe out essentially all unsecured debt, barring a few exceptions. This means that upon your filing, creditors must immediately stop contacting you. In a chapter 13 filing, you will be given 3-5 years to repay creditors, usually for pennies on the dollar. Either way, you get a reprieve from worrying what will happen every time you answer your phone. If you’re ready to talk to someone who can help you find the relief you’re looking for, give us a call at 718-304-8328.

Best Bankruptcy lawyers in BronxOnce we’re on your team, we’ll help with the heavy lifting so you don’t have the entire responsibility on yourself. We help you weigh your options between bankruptcy and other repayment alternatives that might be a better solution for you. Using the means test, we can decide if you qualify for a chapter 7 filing. Regardless of what is the most expedient way to discharge your debt and get you back on the path to financial solvency we’re with you. You’ll never have to figure out for yourself what paperwork you need to file or how and where to file it. We work with you to get a clear picture of your situation and your goals and will help you find the best path forward to meeting those goals.

Skilled, Well-Versed Representation

Dealing with bankruptcy is not the time you want to hassle with breaking in someone new to their job! Our team of Bronx bankruptcy lawyers is proficient and tested in the intricacies of New York law and will negotiate the best terms and the best possible outcome for your specific circumstances. With decades of experience across our team you’ll be able to hire an attorney that you can be confident in having represent your needs in court.

Give us a call today at 718-304-8328 for your free consultation and see what our wealth of experience can do for you!

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